Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tim Greenwood R.I.P.

Tim Greenwood Top Right

     A few short months ago I used this forum to remember a good childhood friend, Tim Bosley, who passed away far too soon. Sadly, today I am faced with the unexpected loss of another great lifelong friend, Tim Greenwood. When I think of words to describe Tim Greenwood several immediately come to mind; passion, enthusiasm, kindness and sincerity are at the top of the list. Rarely will you meet someone with more love for life than Tim had. In the 33 years that I knew Tim I cannot recall ever seeing him without a smile on his face or an enthusiastic greeting. Tim valued people and friendships with a passion that was unparalleled. Every time I spoke to him he made me feel good about myself. What a gift to have.

    In every chapter of life there seems to be one person that is the common thread that holds the people who meant the most to you together. As I have grown older and experienced the inevitable heartaches that life throws our way I have grown to appreciate more and more the chapter of my life spent at North Carroll High School. That was a chapter when life was predominantly fun and the biggest stress we had to deal with was trying to make the playoffs, getting our parents to let us stay out past midnight, and determining if we stood a chance at gaining the affection of whatever person we were infatuated with. In the years since I graduated Tim Greenwood was the common thread that kept me connected to North Carroll and the people who meant so much to me there. Tim had a passion for North Carroll that he exuded for decades as a player, teacher and coach. I recall many times over the past several years when I was awakened late at night by text message alerts on my phone. "Who the hell is texting me this late?" was my usual reaction. Then I would worry that something tragic had happened because surely that could be the only reason someone would be messaging me at that late hour. I would then be pleasantly surprised to find rambling play by play descriptions of a dramatic win by the North Carroll basketball team. Inevitably it would end with a comparison to a dramatic win Tim and I shared when we played together way back when, including specific details of plays involving me that I don't even remember. That was the passion Tim felt for the Panthers, and the many friends he met along the way that he cherished so much. 

    It is hard to imagine a more kind and sincere person than Tim Greenwood. Through the years I have been amazed at how much he cared about the people he met and loved along the way. We kept in touch sporadically, yet each time we spoke he was not just interested in how I was doing; he expressed a genuine interest in how my parents, my siblings and my nieces and nephews (whom he only knew when they were small children attending our basketball games in the 1980's) were doing. His sincerity in asking about how everyone was doing was evident in the fact that he remembered all their names and some small detail about them over 25 years later.

    Perhaps my fondest memory of Tim occurred in 2012. Like so many of you, Tim and I shared a passion for the Baltimore Orioles. I had the good fortune to be in Dallas on business when the Orioles clinched a playoff spot for the first time in 15 years. It was determined that they would play the Rangers in Arlington, Texas. I was able to get a ticket to the game and I excitedly posted on Facebook that I was going to the game. Within minutes I received a call from Tim (the common thread) informing me that another N.C.H.S. classmate, John Davis, was living in the Dallas area and was going to the game also. Tim insisted that I call John and try to meet up with him. I took his advice and was able to reunite with John for the first time in over 20 years. It turned out to be one of those rare magical days in life where everything just falls into place. I met John and his family and we had a great time reminiscing and the Orioles won a playoff game. I am forever grateful to Tim for helping to make that such a special day in my life. There is no doubt in my mind that Tim played a part in a magical day that occurred in many peoples lives.

    When I learned of Tim's passing today I could not believe or accept it. I went to his Facebook page to look for evidence to confirm this horrible news. What I found was a picture of the Orioles celebrating a win over the Yankees under Tim's post that read, "Win column. Go Birds. Get healthy Manny." it was posted at 10:49 p.m. just hours before Tim left us. What a wonderful last post.

    It is after midnight now as I close. I am going to send Tim one last late night text message reflecting on North Carroll High School, and what his friendship has meant to me through the years.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. What a tragic loss to the NCHS Community. I knew 'of' him at NCHS, and met him at U of MD. Your words ring true. My heartfelt prayers to Tim's family & friends.
